Hey!, I'm Thi-Thuy HOANG Data scientist - Data analyst

Passionate about analyzing data, after getting my Ph.D. in biophysics, I move to the data science world. I have been working on different data projects, and continue learning every day to improve my data analysis skills and do amazing projects.

I am looking for freelancer projects or a permanent job.


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I have been working on data analysis and machine modeling for last 3 years.

I provide solutions for data analysis, data modeling and coaching projects.

Data analysis

Data can be cleaned, then transformed into a meaningful visualization, and presented in a dashboard. I can use Excel, Power BI, and Python for data cleaning, analysis and visualization. The general trends and analysis are summarized in a report with a visualization dashboard.

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Data Science

The data can be analyzed further if they are deep and large enough for the machine learning model. I can explore it and find out the hidden information using the ML model to answer the different questions in the enterprise. With the ML model, the data can be investigated for the classification problem or future prediction...


With previous experience during my ph.D. and teaching experience at the university, I love coaching and giving advice on ML projects.

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Data Engineering

To deepen my knowlegde and skills, I am following online courses to learn more about data engineering.

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what my coleagues say about me


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I can use Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, and javascript. Besides that I can use analysis tools such as Power BI and the libraries support for for ML and DS such as pandas, matplotlib, sciklearn... .

I can speak fluently 3 languges: Vietnameses, French and English.

With strong back ground in math and physics, I have found my passion in the data world.Through my Ph.D., I have been doing image segmentation, data clustering. I did Deep Learning online course in Coursera plateform from Andrew Ng. I am also learning and doing different projects everyday to improve my skills.

Latest work

I have done projects from image classification, tracking data, clustering data, fraud detection in banking transaction as well as company financial analysis.

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Profit analysis

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Fraud Detection

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Financial Data Analysis

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Data clustering

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